Hi there
I'm Sarah, an award-winning author who writes fluffy fantasy. I live in Phoenix, Arizona with my equally fluffy cat (starting to see a pattern here?) And fine, I have a husband too.
He's not fluffy.
My debut novel, ILLUSION OF STARS, comes out July 2024. I'm currently working on the (untitled) ILLUSION OF STARS sequel and SERPENT GREEN, VENOM BLUE. I also have a witchy manuscript that lives in a trunk under the bed.
We don't talk about that.
My work has been featured in Y Magazine, The Advocate, The Crow’s Quill, and Hippocampus Magazine (among others) and I've been a guest on a ton of podcasts like The Outspoken Artist, Bookish Flights, Books are Magical and the Author's Alcove.
If I got some pity laughs out of you, I suggest signing up for my newsletter where I will make you pity laugh some more. (I'll stick the sign up form below).
I'm also a frequent flier on Instagram, so if you still can't get enough of me, you can also follow me there.
Thanks for stopping by!